$1B “Infrastructure Campus” Slated for S. Dallas

Microsoft data center $1B “Infrastructure Campus” Slated for S. Dallas

Lincoln Property Company, Gigabit Fiber, and Tradition Holdings have formed a partnership to develop a communications infrastructure campus in South Dallas. The facility will deliver more than 800,000 square feet of data center and tech space, and up to 540 megawatts (MW) of total power. If it’s all built out it will amount to a $1 billion investment.

Gigabit will contribute 131 acres of fully entitled land for the project, located in Red Oak, Texas positioned in the heart of the South Dallas data center cluster. Lincoln will provide capital, financing, and development expertise. The campus will be designed to support cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and high-capacity, low-latency optical networks.

Gigabit Fiber will initiate construction on the campus with a 7,500-square-foot, two-MW facility in the first quarter of 2025. This GigaPop will provide edge colocation coupled with Dark Fiber, IP and carrier-class transport services.

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