8-Story High Point Office Building Converting to Apartments

Showplace West 8-Story High Point Office Building Converting to Apartments

Echelon Resources Inc. and LBD Investments are taking over Showplace West/One Plaza Center to redevelop it into market-rate apartments and about 9,000 square feet of retail.

The eight-story, 135,000-square-foot concrete office building at 101 S. Main St. was completed in 1971. In 2019, International Market Centers donated it to Downtown High Point. It was acquired in 2011 for about $1.49 million. The former office building was recently placed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Echelon Resources specializes in redeveloping historic buildings. It says it has repurposed several former factories, mills, warehouses, schools and residential buildings.

EDB, meanwhile, focuses on urban and suburban infill mixed-use and historic redevelopment projects in the Southeast.

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