
KBRA: Nearly a Third of Office CMBS is Distressed

mw 333nwabash chicago KBRA: Nearly a Third of Office CMBS is Distressed

The volume of distressed office in conduit and single-asset, single-borrower CMBS increased to a combined $52.2 billion in March, nearly double the $26.6 billion volume a year ago, according to Kroll Bond Rating Agency’s KBRA Credit Profile (KCP). Thirty-one percent of office loans by balance, or nearly one-third, are considered KBRA Loans of Concern, meaning they are in default or at heightened risk of default.

Of cities with at least $5 billion in outstanding CMBS debt, Chicago has the highest distress rate at 75%, according to KCP. Rounding out the top five for office CMBS distress in March were Denver (65%), Houston (57%), Philadelphia (52%) and Atlanta (49%). New York City and Los Angeles, the two largest markets for CMBS lending, had distress rates of 25% and 30%, respectively.

KBRA cited two notable loans identified as K-LOCs in March. They include the following:

Pictured: 333 South Wabash in Chicago.

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