Armada Hoffler Completes Full-Floor Office Lease in Virginia Beach

ArmadaHofflerTower Armada Hoffler Completes Full-Floor Office Lease in Virginia Beach

Armada Hoffler has completed an office lease with Trader Interactive for a full 12,000-square-foot floor at the Town Center of Virginia Beach, the firm’s flagship mixed-use development.

The lease was brokered by Perry Frazier and Chris Kieran of Colliers International and Michael Divaris, Krista Costa and Ashley Beck of Divaris Real Estate. Trader Interactive, a provider of online marketplaces for lifestyle vehicles, will occupy the top floor of the 222 Central Ave. building, which was previously occupied by Armada Hoffler.

Armada Hoffler relocated and consolidated its team’s space to meet the significant demand for office space at the property. “It is exciting to accommodate the growth of a Virginia-based business like Trader Interactive,” said Shawn Tibbetts, Chief Executive Officer and President of Armada Hoffler. “Town Center of Virginia Beach continues to buck national office real estate trends because it offers tenants a dynamic, all-encompassing environment for their employees to work, live and spend time in.”

Known as the Armada Hoffler Tower, the 23-story building features 324,000 square feet of office space and 38,500 square feet of street-level retail space. The overall mixed-use district includes 620,000 square feet of retail space, 800,000 square feet of office space and 760 apartments.

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