BRIDGE Housing Breaks Ground on Portland Housing Development

BRIDGE Housing Portland BRIDGE Housing Breaks Ground on Portland Housing Development

BRIDGE Housing broke ground today on HollywoodHUB, a transit-oriented affordable housing community at the Hollywood Transit Center. Located at 4030 NE Halsey Street, HollywoodHUB is expected to be completed in 2027 and will be one of the largest affordable housing communities in the Portland Metro area.

The 12-story building, developed by BRIDGE Housing on land owned by the Tri-County Metropolitan Transit District (TriMet), will have 222 affordable apartments and two managers’ units. It will provide convenient access to three MAX light rail lines, three bus lines, and major employment centers. Impact NW will provide resident services.

Key partners include TriMet, Metro, the Portland Housing Bureau, and KeyBank. The architect is Holst, and the General Contractor is O. Neill Walsh Community Builders. Once complete, BRIDGE Housing will have more than 1,150 housing units in the city of Portland and more than 2,100 units in the Portland metropolitan area.

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