Buckeye Hoping to Rebound From KORE Withdrawal

KORE Buckeye Hoping to Rebound From KORE Withdrawal

The Town of Buckeye had spent numerous hours courting KORE Power, an up and coming battery manufacturer who promised to build a $1 billion plant (photo) in the town. But following the election, all that changed. KORE Power was unable to secure its once-promised $850 million loan through the Inflation Reduction Act by the time Donald Trump was elected president, so the company ultimately decided to move on from Arizona, transitioned to a new CEO and moved its headquarters to Vermont. Now they are selling their land.

The company’s 214 acres along State Route 85 in Buckeye are being marketed for sale by JLL as an opportunity for high-tech manufacturing with access to power, water, rail and millions of dollars worth of infrastructure improvements. It’s been valued at approximately $70 million to $75 million.

Buckeye will continue to move forward with the construction of a bridge and roadway to connect the site to other streets at a cost $10.5 million.

Article Source: https://www.connectcre.com/stories/buckeye-hoping-to-rebound-from-kore-withdrawal/ | Post Publish Date: | Author Name: *If Author Name fails to auto populate herein, auto population of Author to auto generate on previous news page, via RSS aggregator, or follow the "Article Source" link above to open original post URL. VANDEWEERD COMMERCIAL / VANDEWEERD, LLC is making or makes said material available and/readable for the following (to include but not be limited to): News Reporting, Teaching, Research Purposes, etc. See Terms of Use along with Privacy Policy for additional information.
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