CBRE Arranges Sale, Financing of Woburn Retail

BOS MetroNorth shopping center Woburn MA CBRE Arranges Sale, Financing of Woburn Retail

CBRE arranged the sale and acquisition financing for MetroNorth Shopping Center, an approximately 38,000-square-foot retail center located at 99-103 Commerce Way in Woburn, MA. The CBRE National Retail Partners team of Nat Heald and Jordana Roet represented the seller and secured the buyer, Calare Properties. The Debt & Structured Finance team of Kyle Juszczyszyn and Matt Machiros arranged financing. The purchase price was not disclosed.

“We are very pleased to have played a role in the sale of MetroNorth Shopping Center and congratulate both buyer and seller,” said Heald. “Well-located retail strips have become one of the most compelling retail product types because of the deep pool of potential tenants and ability to drive rental growth anytime an existing tenant rolls. We anticipate 2025 will see continuing strong demand for well-located small strip properties.”

Juszczyszyn added, “CBRE is seeing an abundance of liquidity in the Debt markets for well-located retail with strong sponsorship. We anticipate that lenders will continue to aggressively seek debt opportunities for well-located retail in 2025.”

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