C&C Development Breaks Ground on Buena Park Affordable

CA Lincoln Avenue Apartments Buena Park Groundbreaking C&C Development Breaks Ground on Buena Park Affordable

C&C Development and Riverside Charitable Corporation broke ground on Lincoln Avenue Apartments, an affordable housing community in Buena Park that will serve more than 50 families and veterans in need. Planned for four three-story buildings, the project combines funding from several entities including the City of Buena Park and CalOptima Health, which is providing an $8-million grant to support housing for Medi-Cal members.

With a planned completion date in October 2026, Lincoln Avenue Apartments will consist of 54 affordable units, with several specifically designated for high-need populations. This includes five units for student families, 11 units for veterans, and 13 permanent supportive housing units for families and individuals with special needs.

“C&C Development is honored to be working to strengthen the affordable housing options in Buena Park,” said Todd Cottle, principal at C&C Development. “Building communities like Lincoln Avenue Apartments is our passion, as we embrace collaborative public-private partnerships that lift up low-income Orange County residents.”

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