Children’s Law Center Signs Office Lease at Capitol Crossing

0020 e ©2021 Children’s Law Center Signs Office Lease at Capitol Crossing

JLL has facilitated an office lease for the Children’s Law Center at Capitol Crossing, 250 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, in downtown Washington, D.C.

JLL’s Evan Behr, Nathan Beach and Mac Hall manage the leasing and marketing of Capitol Crossing and Avison Young’s Jonathan Danziger and Transwestern’s Tyler Marshall represent Children’s Law Center.

The legal group plans to move into its new 15,000-square-foot office in November 2025. “Capitol Crossing will provide an excellent headquarters for Children’s Law Center to conduct the important work they are doing,” stated Nathan Beach, Managing Director, JLL. “It offers an ideal blend of modern amenities and a central location with access to DC’s vast array of dining, shopping and entertaining venues in close proximity to Metro.”

Capitol Crossing is a state-of-the-art master-planned development at the intersection of Capitol Hill and the East End of DC. The project spans three city blocks and has both office and retail tenants.

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