Church Buys 99K-SF League City Retail Center

Citymark Church Church Buys 99K-SF League City Retail Center

A League City church has acquired a 99,000 square foot shopping center. Citymark Church has occupied space on the western edge of the main retail building of League City Town Plaza since 2012. It recently took over 16,500 square feet of space and now takes up 36,740 square feet. A renovation is in progress, and the church has tapped Houston-based companies Cre8 Architects and DivisionOne Construction for the build-out.

The Houston Business Journal reports Citymark paid Prime Real Estate U.S. Properties of Canada “north of $7 million” for the property. James Brockway of Brockway Commercial acted on behalf of the church.

The entire property at FM 518/Main Street and state Highway 3 is about 13.6 acres and includes just under 3.6 acres of vacant land to the west of the retail center. The center is 92% occupied.

The church hopes to expand as more space may become available. The congregation has grown from about 800 to now more than 2,000 people in just the past few years.

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