Clear Investment Group Acquires Marbury Plaza in DC

MarburyPlaza DC Clear Investment Group Acquires Marbury Plaza in DC

Clear Investment Group has acquired the 681-unit Marbury Plaza in Southeast Washington, D.C.

The property, once home to notable residents, including Isaac Hayes, will undergo a rebranding to become Langston Views. Clear Investment Group’s revitalization efforts will feature modern amenities, with planned upgrades, including a new fitness facility, upgraded locker rooms and swimming pool areas, and renovated common spaces.

The acquisition and rebranding were done in collaboration with the Office of the Mayor and the Attorney General. “This acquisition exemplifies Clear’s mission to revitalize distressed multifamily housing using ethical, sustainable, and transparent practices,” said Amy Rubenstein, CEO of Clear Investment Group. “We are proud to work alongside city leadership to provide housing solutions that benefit Washington, D.C. residents and align with our commitment to positive social impact.”

“We are thrilled to acquire our first property in the Washington D.C. area, which aligns perfectly with our growth strategy and commitment to finding distressed assets in the workforce-housing sector,” added Rubenstein.

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