Commercial Development Planned for McKinney/Prosper Border

McKinneyProsper Commercial Development Planned for McKinney/Prosper Border

A grocery store, a multifamily development and other commercial uses are planned for a site in north McKinney, along the Prosper border. Single-family homes are also in the works. Weitzman is helming the project.

The project will be located on the south side of FM 1461, or Frontier Parkway in Prosper, at Custer Road.

Community Impact reports the 127-acre site, owned by Haggard Rhea Mills LLC still needs zoning approval from the City Council. The Planning and Zoning Commission has approved plans for 79 acres for single-family residential development, with a maximum of 300 homes, about 34 acres of land for commercial uses and nearly 11 acres of land for multifamily development. Preliminary plans for the multifamily project outline a three- to four-story development with about 300 units.

The commercial project would be anchored by a grocery store at the southeast corner of FM 1461 and Custer Road. Development could get underway as soon as late 2026 or early 2027.

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