Construction on Frisco’s $3B “The Mix” Underway

The Construction on Frisco’s $3B “The Mix” Underway

The Mix, a $3 billion, 112-acre mixed-experience community in Frisco, Texas, has broken ground. The first phase of The Mix, located at Dallas Parkway and Lebanon Road in the North Platinum Corridor in Frisco, encompasses 28 acres along Lebanon Road.

The Mix is planned to have over 2 million square feet of office space, 375,000 square feet of retail, including a grocery store, a 400-450-key business hotel and a 200-key boutique hotel, and 3 million square feet of residential.

Partners for The Mix include: Torti Gallas + Partners and Arcadis, master plan architects; Kimley-Horn, planning and design engineering; StreetLights Residential, mixed-use development; The Retail Connection, retail; and JLL, office and medical space.

At the heart of The Mix will be an 8-acre central park with an event lawn and performance pavilion, playgrounds, and promenades.

Partners for The Mix include: Torti Gallas + Partners and Arcadis, master plan architects; Kimley-Horn, planning and design engineering; MIG, landscape architecture; StreetLights Residential, mixed-use development; The Retail Connection, retail; and JLL, office and medical space. Infrastructure work for the first phase of The Mix is being completed by AECOM Hunt.

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