Cornell Tech Opens Flexible Workspace at Roosevelt Island Campus

NY The Bridge workspace Cornell Tech Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech Opens Flexible Workspace at Roosevelt Island Campus

Cornell Tech announced the opening of The Bridge, a flexible workspace for entrepreneurs, early and mid-stage ventures and more established companies. Located in the Tata Innovation Center on Cornell Tech’s Roosevelt Island campus, The Bridge is now open and applications for its workspaces are currently being accepted.

The Bridge at Cornell Tech is designed to foster a thriving ecosystem of innovation and collaboration and to accommodate the needs of different entrepreneurs and businesses, according to Cornell Tech. Occupants of the workspace will include startups that were incubated at Cornell Tech through its Runway and Spinouts programs, but it is open to all to apply.   

“The Bridge is a physical manifestation of Cornell Tech’s role as a catalyst for digital tech innovation and entrepreneurship,” said Fernando Gómez-Baquero, director of Runway and Spinouts at Cornell Tech. “Our campus welcomes individuals and teams, developing the technologies of the future, to join our growing and dynamic community and be a part of the interdisciplinary work happening across our campus.”

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