Darcy Stacom, Wendy Silverstein Launch Capital Markets Advisory Firm

NY Darcy Stacom Darcy Stacom, Wendy Silverstein Launch Capital Markets Advisory Firm

A year after the launch of Stacom CRE, Darcy Stacom and Wendy Silverstein have launched a new partnership, StacomSilverstein, a woman-owned boutique capital markets real estate advisory firm based in New York City. The firm will handle asset and corporate level acquisitions, dispositions, debt and equity capital markets, restructuring, and bespoke investing.

“The last year has been both challenging and rewarding, and I’ve thought about how to expand and grow my business,” said Stacom. “I cannot think of a better partner to join forces with than Wendy. Her expertise in finance and investment complements my background in capital markets perfectly; together, we’re poised to provide a level of strategic advisory that’s truly unique in the marketplace.”

Silverstein added, “Though we are a boutique firm, with our networks and talents combined, we are building a powerhouse firm that can navigate the most complex transactions.”

At Vornado Realty Trust, CEO Steve Roth said, “Clearly these two professionals getting together certainly is a case of the old adage where 1 + 1 = 3. They will be getting many important and complex assignments from us.”

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