Developer of Former Alcoa Plant Announces First Redevelopment Phase

AMLC Plant Developer of Former Alcoa Plant Announces First Redevelopment Phase

The first phase of the redevelopment of the 50-square mile Alcoa plant outside Rockdale will be called the Advanced Manufacturing Logistix Campus (AMLC) at Sandow Lakes. Regarded as the only megasite in Texas – or industrial park setting outfitted with abundant electrical power, water, rail, natural gas and access to the interstate – Sandow Lakes is expected to attract manufacturing users from around the world. AMLC will have up to 35 million square feet of industrial capacity. Dallas-based developer Xebec is helming the massive project, with help from JLL.

With up to 35 million square feet of industrial capacity, AMLC at Sandow Lakes will offer full build-to-suit opportunities targeting users ranging from distribution to manufacturing, including cold storage and light industrial. Construction on phase one of the project – AMLC at Sandow Lakes – commenced in Q3 2024 and will be ready for occupancy by Q3 2026.

The 33,000-acre Sandow Lakes mega site will feature multiple communities, including residential, retail, office, hospitality and leisure facilities.

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