Donut Maker Scales Up with Move to Rockaway Facility

NY 25 Green Pond Road Rockaway NJ Donut Maker Scales Up with Move to Rockaway Facility

Rockaway Holding Group, LLC has signed a 15-year lease for 124,556 square feet at 25 Green Pond Rd. in Rockaway, NJ. The facility will become one of largest donut manufacturing facilities in North America, producing more than one million donuts daily. 

The move marks a significant expansion for Rockaway Holding Group, which is relocating from its 40,000- square-foot facility in Lodi, NJ. The company plans to invest significant capital in building out the new facility to meet its manufacturing requirements.

“This facility will serve as a transformative hub for Rockaway Holding Group, enabling them to support their client at an even greater scale,” said Daniel Foley, executive managing director, Savills, who represented Rockaway Holding Group. “We are proud to have helped secure a space that meets their ambitious growth and operational needs.”

Ownership of the property, 25 Green Pond Investors LLC, was represented by Stephen Sander and Steve Elman of Cushman & Wakefield.

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