FAT Village Addition On Way

T3 FAT Village FAT Village Addition On Way

Blanca Commercial Real Estate, Hines, and Urban Street Development announced that construction is underway on T3 FAT Village, an office component within the larger 5.5-acre FAT Village development currently under construction at 501 Andrews Avenue in Downtown Fort Lauderdale. T3 FAT Village utilizes mass timber construction and is anticipated to be delivered in November 2026.

The first phase of the development will feature 180,000 square feet of office space in the East Building and 600 multifamily residential units spanning over 400,000 square feet. Additionally, retail spaces will anchor the base of every building, encompassing approximately 80,000 square feet, with the total project size reaching over 800,000 square feet. 

The office component of T3 features a heavy timber design, private outdoor balconies, fitness center and social workspaces.

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