Former Westshore Plaza Set for Redevelopment

Westshore 54 Former Westshore Plaza Set for Redevelopment

CBRE is advising Westshore 54, a 53.3-acre parcel at the crossroads of Kennedy Boulevard and Interstate 275 in Tampa’s Westshore district.

Currently home to the Westshore Plaza, the 1,093,696-square-foot mall is up for sale and will be redeveloped. With over 8.1 million square feet of entitlements secured by Washington Prime Group (WPG), Westshore 54 offers a path to vertical development. The redevelopment plan includes office space, a medical center, shopping, dining, a hotel, and housing. 

In early 2024, the group won final approval for its plans from Tampa City Council. WPG acquired Macy’s Inc.’s department store real estate in October 2024, and Macy’s announced it would close the Tampa location along with dozens of others nationwide in early January. Dick’s Sporting Goods vacated its anchor box at the mall in October 2024 to move to a new concept store at International Plaza.

For more information contact Denny St. Romain or Jubeen Vaghefi at CBRE.

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