Ghost Note Coffee Opens New Location in Seattle Tower

GhostNote Seattle Ghost Note Coffee Opens New Location in Seattle Tower

Ghost Note Coffee, a specialty coffee shop in Capitol Hill, has officially opened its second location in downtown Seattle.

The new café is situated in the ground-floor retail space of the historic Seattle Tower. Kidder Mathews First Vice President Jason Miller represented DP Bunker Hill, LLC, a commercial real estate investment company, in the leasing process.

Building on the success of its flagship store in Capitol Hill at 1623 Bellevue Avenue, Ghost Note Coffee’s new location at the corner of 3rd Avenue and University Street fills a void in a neighborhood with few coffee options within walking distance. “Retailers are beginning to have more confidence in the downtown market,” said Miller. “This lease demonstrates the resilience of the city and the local business community.”

Originally known as Northern Life Tower, the 27-story Seattle Tower was the tallest building west of the Mississippi when it was constructed in 1928 and was recognized as Seattle’s first Art Deco building.

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