Healey Files Emergency Regs to Extend Deadlines on MBTA Communities Act

BOS MBTA Communities Act Healey Files Emergency Regs to Extend Deadlines on MBTA Communities Act

The Healey administration has filed emergency regulations to support ongoing implementation of the commonwealth’s MBTA Communities Law, which requires each of 177 Massachusetts communities to include at least one zoning district where multifamily development is permitted as of right. The emergency regulations give communities that haven’t complied with the law an extension on doing so.

“These regulations will allow us to continue moving forward with implementation of the MBTA Communities Law, which will increase housing production and lower costs across the state,” said Gov. Maura Healey. “These regulations allow communities more time to come into compliance with the law, and we are committed to working with them to advance zoning plans that fit their unique needs.”

Communities that did not meet prior deadlines must submit a new action plan to the state by Feb. 13. These communities will have until July 14 to submit a district compliance application to the state. To date, 116 communities have adopted multifamily zoning districts per the law, enacted in 2021.

Article Source: https://www.connectcre.com/stories/healey-files-emergency-regs-to-extend-deadlines-on-mbta-communities-act/ | Post Publish Date: | Author Name: *If Author Name fails to auto populate herein, auto population of Author to auto generate on previous news page, via RSS aggregator, or follow the "Article Source" link above to open original post URL. VANDEWEERD COMMERCIAL / VANDEWEERD, LLC is making or makes said material available and/readable for the following (to include but not be limited to): News Reporting, Teaching, Research Purposes, etc. See Terms of Use along with Privacy Policy for additional information.
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