JLH Capital Acquires Leucadia Property from Estate

CA 1232 1234 N Coast Conceptual Design Leucadia JLH Capital Acquires Leucadia Property from Estate

Cushman & Wakefield arranged the sale of the coastal property located at 1232-1234 N Coast Hwy. 101 in Leucadia (Encinitas). Operating from 1963 until 2023 as Caldwell’s Antiques by Fred Caldwell, a local historian known as “Mr. Leucadia,” the site currently consists of an existing 1,788-square-foot retail/residential building.

The buyer was JLH Capital, which acquired the property from Fred Lee Caldwell Estate for an undisclosed price. JLH Capital plans to extensively renovate the property and will occupy a portion of the space in the new project for its own offices. The remaining available space will be brought to market for lease.

“We are excited to continue to operate our business in Leucadia, in an office we can own, and revitalize the property in a way that the entire community can enjoy,” said Jen Holm, JLH Capital’s managing partner. “As a Leucadia resident, I look forward to finding a restaurant or retail partner for the rest of the space and activate the building in a way that modernizes it and honors the unique history.”

Peter Curry and Owen Curry with Cushman & Wakefield’s Private Capital Group in San Diego represented both the buyer and seller.

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