Kiser Group Facilitates $17M Edgewater MF Sale

5411 N. Winthrop Kiser Group Facilitates $17M Edgewater MF Sale

Kiser Group completed the sale of 5411 N. Winthrop, a four plus one multifamily property, for $17.4 million.

Kiser Group Advisors Jacob Price and Katie LeGrand led the sale process. “This transaction reflects the ongoing demand for renovated multifamily properties in Edgewater, especially those with scale and strong occupancy,” said LeGrand.

The fully renovated building features modern amenities and was sold to Chicago-based multifamily owner and operator Becovic Residential. Its current occupancy rate is approximately 99%.

“The buyer recognized the property’s value as a strategic addition to their portfolio, while the seller achieved a near-list price resulting in a highly competitive process.” added Price. Edgewater continues to benefit from strong multifamily market dynamics, supported by its appealing mix of affordability, proximity to downtown Chicago, and a desirable lakeside location.

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