Marcus & Millichap Arranges Sale of WA Office Building

MM Kennewick WA Marcus & Millichap Arranges Sale of WA Office Building

Marcus & Millichap has completed the sale of Columbia Center Heights Executive Suites, a 12,272-square-foot office property located in Kennewick, Washington, according to Joel Deis, regional manager of the firm’s Seattle office. The asset sold for $4,105,000.

RJ Vara, an investment specialist in Marcus & Millichap’s Seattle office, had the exclusive listing to market the property on behalf of the seller, a limited liability company. Located within walking distance of the Columbia Center shopping mall, Three Rivers Convention Center, and the Benton County Justice Center, the property is surrounded by retail, businesses, hotel, and restaurant options.

Columbia Center Heights Executive Suites is located at 1030 N Center Pkwy. The property boasted utilizing an executive suite model for both physical and virtual clients. This unique asset offered a significant upside for the buyer.

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