Massive Denver’s Fox Park Development Begins Moving Dirt

Fox Park Massive Denver’s Fox Park Development Begins Moving Dirt

The first signs of life at Fox Park development crews are working on roads, laying water lines and building a two-story subterranean parking garage. 

The Denver Business Journal reports the old Denver Post press building on the site will be demolished by April to make way for a 12-story office building and a 250-room Virgin Hotel. This is the first of two hotels envisioned on the property, and the total number of rooms could eventually increase to 521. The offices will also house tenants including World Trade Center Denver and the London-based leisure and entertainment company URWLD. The development will also include local retailers, a grocery store, and cultural spaces. 

Pure Development and Mexico City-based Interland, paid $56.5 million for the Globeville property in 2019.

Overall, the project will cost roughly $4.5 billion to build and add more than 10 million square feet of commercial, residential and cultural use space to North Denver.

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