McKinney Hoping Airport Expansion Attracts Airlines

McKinney Airport McKinney Hoping Airport Expansion Attracts Airlines

McKinney is on the verge of attracting two airlines to its municipal airport, and the town is expanding the airport in preparation. Community Impact reports McKinney will spend $72 million on the airport expansion, which will add three gates, a quick-service concessions stand with food and beverage options, open hold rooms for passengers, a rental car lot and a ride-share drop-off location.

The facility will also include a 1,500-spot parking lot, six aircraft parking positions for both commercial and general aviation uses, an aircraft de-icing facility, above-ground fuel storage tanks and other supportive infrastructure.

Initial plans include estimates of 200,000 passengers annually and an average of three daily departures. By its fifth year of operations, the terminal could see as many as 1 million passengers served annually.

The project will be funded by federal low-interest transportation and infrastructure loans
Construction on the project is expected to begin in May and commercial service could begin in late 2026.

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