Meridian Design Build to Construct Two Buildings in Columbus

Meridian OH Meridian Design Build to Construct Two Buildings in Columbus

Meridian Design Build was recently selected by Hillwood to construct two Class A speculative industrial buildings at their Central Columbus Commerce 71 development.

Architectural services are being provided by Red Architecture. Civil engineering services are being provided by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Joel Yakovac, SIOR and Michael Linder, SIOR of Colliers, are marketing the development for Hillwood.

The two buildings, totaling 624,004 square feet, will be located on a 48-acre redevelopment site at the southwest corner of Windsor and Joyce Avenues. The Central Columbus Commerce 71 development is located within the Northeast submarket of Columbus with easy access to routes 1-670, I-70 and I-71 and two international airports.

Construction is already underway at the project site. Both buildings, Building I, a 287,653-square-foot facility, and Building II, a 336,351-square-foot facility, are designed with flexibility to accommodate a broad range of tenant sizes.

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