Notorious Aurora Apartment Complex Shuttered

The Edge at Lowry Notorious Aurora Apartment Complex Shuttered

The troubled Edge at Lowry apartment complex in Aurora has been shuttered. It’s now empty and closed. The windows were boarded up, and the complex shut down. Residents have all been moved out from their homes at the Edge at Lowry. While the complex only had 23 units, reports surfaced that well over 100 lived in the development.

The complex, located near 12th Avenue and Dallas Street, made national headlines after a viral video surfaced showing armed men entering one of the apartments. The same day, a fatal shooting occurred at the complex.

Local media reported that inside the apartment, there were holes in the walls and floors and electric cabling hanging loose from the bedroom ceiling. The town officially shut the project down and helped find tenants new lodging.

The property’s owners, CBZ Management, blamed alleged gang activity for the poor conditions. The City says CBZ is most to blame and is suing them for the costs of closing the complex.

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