Oxbow Gets Go-Ahead for Downtown SA Hotel

the Grove2 Oxbow Gets Go-Ahead for Downtown SA Hotel

A local San Antonio planning board approved Oxbow Development Group’s plan to erect a nine-story structure with 166 rooms. The hotel, called The Grove, will be situated across from the historic Hotel Emma. The move clears the way for the company to build a select-service hotel across the river from the historic Hotel Emma.

Oxbow is expected to start construction on the hotel and several other large projects in Tobin Hill. Three apartment properties, including Mira, which will largely provide the parking support for “Grove,” are also in the works.

On its website, the company says it has worked on Pearl’s historic structures, such as the Pearl brewery. In 2021, the company transitioned from Silver Ventures’ development team to an independent subsidiary and renamed itself Oxbow Development Group. They plan to continue new developments at and around Pearl and expand outside of the area.

Article Source: https://www.connectcre.com/stories/oxbow-gets-go-ahead-for-downtown-sa-hotel/ | Post Publish Date: | Author Name: *If Author Name fails to auto populate herein, auto population of Author to auto generate on previous news page, via RSS aggregator, or follow the "Article Source" link above to open original post URL. VANDEWEERD COMMERCIAL / VANDEWEERD, LLC is making or makes said material available and/readable for the following (to include but not be limited to): News Reporting, Teaching, Research Purposes, etc. See Terms of Use along with Privacy Policy for additional information.
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