Pickleball Franchise Backfills Former Planet Fitness in Burlington

BOS Picklr location Pickleball Franchise Backfills Former Planet Fitness in Burlington

Burgess Properties, LLC brokered an approximately 21,500-square-foot lease to The Picklr, a growing national indoor pickleball franchise. Formerly occupied by Planet Fitness, the building featuring high ceilings and open layout is located at 40 Ray Ave., Burlington, MA, abutting the Burlington Ice Palace.

Steve Nohrden and Charlie Jacob of Burgess Properties represented the landlord. Sam Peterson of Eastern Retail Properties represented the tenant. The new pickleball facility has a grand opening scheduled for April 12.

According to its website, Picklr has already signed 71 total leases and opened 27 locations nationwide. The brand is backed by an array of sponsors, including Head and Joola, and is being promoted by
Super Bowl champ, and now pickleball enthusiast, Drew Brees.

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