Remedy, Kayne Anderson Complete Medical Center in CO

UC Health Remedy Kayne Remedy, Kayne Anderson Complete Medical Center in CO

A partnership of Chicago-based Remedy Medical Properties and Kayne Anderson Real Estate has completed the UCHealth Green Valley Ranch Medical Center in the northeast Denver neighborhood of Gateway-Green Valley Ranch, a master-planned community just minutes from Denver International Airport.

Located at 5589 N. Argonne St., the new one-story, 12,170-square-foot medical office building will house urgent care, primary care, imaging and physical therapy. In addition to Remedy, the other project members were Davis Partnership Architects, civil engineer Kimley-Horn and general contractor Howell Construction.

“As UCHealth neared lease expiration on their older facility in the submarket, the health system turned to Remedy to secure a new location for its urgent care and outpatient services that would better position them to cater to this diverse and growing community,” said Jim Moylan, executive vice president and managing director of design and construction with Remedy.

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