Surfs Up, Again, in Mesa

Revel Surf Surfs Up, Again, in Mesa

Back in 1969, Big Surf blazed the trail of inland surf spots. Wave machines created breakers that rolled up to desert sand in Mesa. And for 50 years it gave Valley of the Sun residents a place to go in the scorching summer. It’s been closed since 2019. But now, another iteration.

Revel Surf at Cannon Beach is preparing for its March 1 debut after a soft opening in December.

Revel Surf is one of three publicly open surf parks in the country and anchors a 37-acre mixed-use complex. The surf park located at 4503 S. Power Road in Mesa is home to a 1.8-acre lagoon and 500,000 square feet of retail space, restaurant and hotel space.

The park offers guests all the equipment needed to surf its waves, lessons for every level of surfer, a beach pass to relax on its Florida-imported sand, a skate park and cliff jumping from heights up to 26 feet. Revel Surf uses wave technology from Swell Mfg to power the artificial wave pool. Besides a number of food and beverage options, there will be two hotels on site.

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