Survey: Hybrid Work Arrangement Now the Norm for Boston Occupiers

ne bostonMA 6 Survey: Hybrid Work Arrangement Now the Norm for Boston Occupiers

A hybrid work arrangement is the norm for most Boston-area employers. That’s the headline conclusion from the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce’s inaugural survey focused on current work environment policies for local businesses, part of the Chamber’s new Pulse of Greater Boston Business series.

With 120 respondents surveyed throughout Massachusetts in December 2024, the survey revealed that 85% of local businesses currently have hybrid models. Seventy-two percent of businesses let employees choose the days that they work in the office, and 55% of respondents noted that employees work in the office three days each week.

Respondents were also asked about their near-term office space usage. In the preceding 12 months, 71% of businesses made no changes to their office space, while 11% increased their office space. Over the next 12 months, 64% of occupiers don’t plan to change their office space, while 10% plan to increase office space and 6% plan to decrease it.

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