Sutter Health Plans $1B Flagship Campus in Emeryville

CA Sutter Health Emeryville campus rendering Sutter Health Plans $1B Flagship Campus in Emeryville

Sutter Health unveiled a $1-billion plan to construct a flagship campus in Emeryville with the goal of expanding patient access across the East Bay region. A cornerstone of the expansion is the newly acquired, 12-acre Emery Yards at Horton and 53rd streets, which was developed by Biomed Realty and which will serve as a key healthcare destination.

Spanning 1.3 million square feet at full buildout, the Emeryville campus will feature a regional destination ambulatory care complex and a new medical center with an initial capacity of up to 200 beds and room for future expansion.

“Our Emeryville campus project represents one of the most significant investments we’re making across our system over the next decade and is part of our broader vision to meet the community’s growing demand for expanded access to our services across the East Bay footprint,” said Warner Thomas, president and CEO of Sutter Health.   

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