Two New Hotels Under Review in Downtown Atlanta

Motto Atlanta Two New Hotels Under Review in Downtown Atlanta

Horizon Hospitality is reported to be behind the construction of two new hotels near Emory University Midtown Hospital. Two 12-story hotels are under review on a site at West Peachtree Street and Baltimore Place in Downtown. The property was purchased in 2023 for $8.4 million.

The Atlanta Business Chronicle reports that the hotels could bring almost 400 new hotel rooms to the market. 

One building would be branded as Hilton Worldwide’s micro-hotel brand Motto, and the other as Marriott International’s extended-stay brand TownePlace Suites.

The hotels are planned to include a sky lobby, or a hotel lobby that is on the top floor instead of the ground level. BCA-Studios is the architect.

The property is across the Downtown Connector from the city’s tourism and convention hub and south of Midtown’s walkable heart. Centennial Yards, the project to remake The Gulch, has three hotels either under construction or in the planning phase.

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