University of Washington Basketball Facility Tops Out

UW ICA Facility University of Washington Basketball Facility Tops Out

Mortenson, in partnership with the University of Washington, Gensler, Holmes, and other project partners, has completed the structural steel topping out for the UW’s new Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) Basketball Training Facility.

The facility will serve as a hub for the Husky men’s and women’s basketball programs, with two 9,800-square-foot practice courts. This milestone signifies a major advancement in the construction of the state-of-the-art facility, which aims to enhance the training and performance capabilities of Husky student-athletes and attract premier basketball talent.

“This is a moment to reflect on the tremendous work done by the team and partners in creating a truly transformative facility for the University of Washington and its basketball programs,” said Jennifer Kim, Project Executive at Mortenson. “We are looking forward to the next phase of construction as we bring this vision to life for the student-athletes.”

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