VICI Invests $300M in One Beverly Hills to Launch Partnership with Cain, Eldridge

CA One Beverly Hills rendering VICI Invests $300M in One Beverly Hills to Launch Partnership with Cain, Eldridge

VICI Properties Inc., Cain International and Eldridge Industries said Wednesday they had established a strategic relationship dedicated to investing in high-growth, experience-driven real estate. The collaboration launches with VICI’s $300-million investment into a mezzanine loan on One Beverly Hills, a landmark 17.5-acre luxury mixed-use development now under construction.

“Since VICI emerged in 2017, we have grown our company by growing our relationships,” said VICO CEO Edward Pitoniak. “We have identified Cain International and Eldridge Industries as partners we intend to grow with for years to come. We’re excited to begin our relationship with VICI’s commitment to One Beverly Hills, a powerful example of Cain’s distinct ability to envision and develop compelling experiential complexes in the world’s leading destinations.”

One Beverly Hills will be anchored by Aman Beverly Hills, bringing Aman’s first West Coast hotel, Aman-branded residences and Aman Club to Beverly Hills. Completion is expected in late 2027.

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